Thursday, October 22, 2009

The second draft for research paper

20th October 2009

Today, I got my second draft research paper from Miss Dzeelfa. Miss Dzeelfa is my supervisor for research paper. My research paper title is “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather. The reason I choose this research paper is single parent children are common nowadays and some of them face emotional and behavior problems due to the loss of a parent. This issue may not affect all students who are single-parent. As a future teacher, there are surely students who are from single-parent family background and I would like to do this research so that I can understand these people better and I hope the knowledge I gained from this research will be very helpful for my future students.

I have been meeting up with Miss Dzeelfa for research paper discussion such as the outline, first draft and now the second draft. The process of writing the research paper is tough, not easy, but I learned a lot through the process of writing especially have a clearer picture about the story of Paul's Case, Paul's family background, his struggles and coping strategies to overcome his problems.
Before writing this research paper, I read Paul's Case several times and was able to put myself into Paul's shoes. I understand that some children who are from single-parent family do face problems like Paul. As for my situation, I am also from a single-parent family and there are struggles with my own emotion and behaviour as well. In doing this single-parent topic, I will have the opportunity to read up more on children from single-parent family in relation to their emotions and behaviour. The references that i use for this research paper are:

1. Dusek, Jerome B. (1996). Adolescent Development and Behaviour Third Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 28-29.
2. Kissman, K. & Allen, J.A. (1993). Single-Parent Families. Sage Publications, Inc. 109-123.
3. Vethamani, A.P.D.M.E. EDU 3214 Teaching The Language Of Short Stories, Paul’s Case by Willa Cather, 500-513.
4. McEntire, N. (2003). Children and Grief,

Before I end this blog, I would like to give thanks to Miss Dzeelfa for her guidance, ideas and the patience of reading all my research papers from outline to first draft, second draft and finally final draft. Thank you very much, Miss Dzeelfa. (",)


Lesson plan presentation

15th October 2009

Today, we had our lesson plan presentation based on songs. My group which was the same group members presented our lesson based on the song “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry. Our lesson was “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. The reason we took this song was based on the theme uncertainty in making decision. We were exposing to students to the main idea of the song:
You can sing along with the song. (“,)

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After listening to the song, students will be given the poem.

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Basically, the song and the poem have similar theme that is uncertainty in making decisions. The use of songs in English literature teaching will be very fun and interesting as students will be exposed to the lyrics and listen to the songs which at the same time the songs are contemporary. Contemporary songs play an important role when using it to teach because it is a set induction to gain students’ interest, attention and open their background knowledge which can relate it to the songs they listen and link to the lesson that will be conducted.
In class, I discovered something very interesting that was song lyrics and video were available. It would be very interesting as students can listen and watch the video. Meanwhile, it also has a set back where the video may draw away students’ attention from reading and listening to the song words. Therefore, appropriate use of teaching aids have to put into careful consideration.

Parody group presentation

15th September 2009

Our class had parody group presentation at DK FPP 2 classroom. My group members were Rachel, Shamini, Mala, Manesha, Yin Chean, Fei Ying and me, Joyce. Our group presentation was a parody of the story Beauty and the Beast. We did it in the Hindustan version and it was very funny and interesting. The characters were Yin Chean as the handsome prince, Mala as the Beast, Shamini as the old lady who gave the beast a spell rose, Manesha as Belle, Fei Ying as the candle, Rachel as the narrator and I as Belle’s old father. The storyline was the same as Beauty and the Beast, but a parody.
In the presentation, I learned some Indian language such as “pia” means love. When the beast was dying, Manesha who was the beautiful Belle said to the beast “I Love you” in Indian language. Then, Mala (the beast) said “pia?” “pia?”…then she was alive again and turned into the prince charming who was Yin Chean. I laughed a lot as I saw her response of saying the word “pia?”..”pia?”. Her facial expression was so surprise and full of wonder. As for Yin Chean, I saw that she had a “handsome” appearance of a prince as she wore the Punjabi suit with a shawl around her neck. Besides that, I saw Fei Ying put in a great effort in doing props for the candle character. There was a mask for the flame and two little flame coverings on her hands which were very carefully made and suitable for flame prop. I would grade her as a very well done effort in her props.
As a reflection, I changed my point of view where previously I said I disliked parody because by reading and acting out was a total different. Even though parody may have an internal message of an issue, as I read, I could only imagine the story in my mind and felt irritated about the twist and illogical portrayal of the story where the villain survived or the protagonist was killed. However, when the parody was acted out, I could see that it was totally different. The characters were funny in the form of facial expressions, use of language, actions and tone.
In my opinion, parody is necessary to introduce to the class in a literature lesson because it is a type of literary work that carries some messages where students can be exposed to different views such as feminism. It would be even more interesting and meaningful lesson if we ask the students to act or role play the whole parody. Students will have a fun time of acting and laugh at the characters. From here, they can also have a clearer picture of what is parody and how is it being conveyed to the readers.


10th September 2009

Parody is a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule or something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery. Caricature is another word which is similar to parody which is use to make fun or ridicule a literary work.
In today’s lesson, we learned different kinds of parody in some famous classical stories, such as Cinderella, Goldilocks, Snow White, The Frog Prince,Little Red Riding Hood, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Three Little Pigs, Rumpelstiltskin, The Three Codependent Goats Gruff and Rapunzel. I enjoyed reading the parody stories because they were short and simple as they were in a summary.
I noticed in parody, the stories were all in a twist. For example, in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs story, the drafts were supposed to save Snow White from death. However, they sold Snow White’s body when she was fainted for the prince to have sex so that they could earn more money. Other than that, Snow White and the queen were supposed to be enemy but became friends instead and both agreed to throw the dwarfs out of the forest. It was absolutely absurd.
Although parody is considered as a type of literary component and may be fun in reading, I dislike reading it. It is because the story has turned upside down and is illogical. In parody, the protagonist has to face the bad outcome of the antagonist such as being exiled, killed or villain and protagonist became good friends. In my opinion, parody is just a type of literary work which is for entertainment and amusement. It is a literary work that is absurd, but somehow, it has an intended meaning which need readers to discover.
For example, the parody in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it may want to portray a message about feminism where women are always on the weaker side where they are seen as a sex object for men to earn money. In the story, there were Snow White and the queen. However, the dwarfs decided to sell Snow White’s body for the prince to have sex in order to earn more money. Besides that, in Little Red Riding Hood, the word “women” was replaced by “womyn”. It could be seen that women are being emphasized again. There was a woodsman in the story and was being labeled as “sexist” and “speciesist”. Again, men were related to sexist when the women were in the story. This was to show that women once again were portrayed as sex objects for men. Thus, from reading the parody, there is a message which actually wanted to voice out by the writer.
In conclusion, parody is a literary work that is to make fun, ridicule or to mock on something which is an ongoing issue indirectly. Although I dislike reading it, I feel that it is necessary to read sometimes because it has an internal message which carries out an issue by the writer.