Monday, September 28, 2009

Letters and Diaries

13th August 2009, Thursday

Between letters and diaries, I prefer to read diaries because diaries are personal and it reflects about a person’s thought about himself or herself where as letters are communicative and is addressing to a recipient based on a particular purpose. I like to read on other’s thoughts and views on themselves or issues they encounter because it can be applicable to me as well. I am a person who writes diaries. I write diary to express my thoughts and feelings of different issues on different days whether it is intrapersonal or interpersonal. It is a record that I would like to keep tract so that I can see the progress of the issue, to learn from it or to capture it as a very memorable event that I had encountered.
Even though “The Andy Warhol Diaries” that we learned in class seemed interesting, I am not drawn to it because I am not interested in diaries that talk about famous actors and actresses and the critiques about them. Instead, I am interested in Kafka’s diaries. I am curious to know why a person is miserable in his life and the struggles they are going through. From Kafka’s diary, I learned that education is a threat for certain people. Kafka kept on complaining about education has made him to be a miserable person and had spoiled him. I feel that it is really terrible and sad after reading his diary because I thought education is very important.
However, from Kafka’s diary, I learned to be more alert in teaching my future students. I will use different approaches to teach different people and be aware of their feedback in the learning process so that education will not be a threat to my students.

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