Thursday, October 22, 2009

The second draft for research paper

20th October 2009

Today, I got my second draft research paper from Miss Dzeelfa. Miss Dzeelfa is my supervisor for research paper. My research paper title is “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather. The reason I choose this research paper is single parent children are common nowadays and some of them face emotional and behavior problems due to the loss of a parent. This issue may not affect all students who are single-parent. As a future teacher, there are surely students who are from single-parent family background and I would like to do this research so that I can understand these people better and I hope the knowledge I gained from this research will be very helpful for my future students.

I have been meeting up with Miss Dzeelfa for research paper discussion such as the outline, first draft and now the second draft. The process of writing the research paper is tough, not easy, but I learned a lot through the process of writing especially have a clearer picture about the story of Paul's Case, Paul's family background, his struggles and coping strategies to overcome his problems.
Before writing this research paper, I read Paul's Case several times and was able to put myself into Paul's shoes. I understand that some children who are from single-parent family do face problems like Paul. As for my situation, I am also from a single-parent family and there are struggles with my own emotion and behaviour as well. In doing this single-parent topic, I will have the opportunity to read up more on children from single-parent family in relation to their emotions and behaviour. The references that i use for this research paper are:

1. Dusek, Jerome B. (1996). Adolescent Development and Behaviour Third Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 28-29.
2. Kissman, K. & Allen, J.A. (1993). Single-Parent Families. Sage Publications, Inc. 109-123.
3. Vethamani, A.P.D.M.E. EDU 3214 Teaching The Language Of Short Stories, Paul’s Case by Willa Cather, 500-513.
4. McEntire, N. (2003). Children and Grief,

Before I end this blog, I would like to give thanks to Miss Dzeelfa for her guidance, ideas and the patience of reading all my research papers from outline to first draft, second draft and finally final draft. Thank you very much, Miss Dzeelfa. (",)


Lesson plan presentation

15th October 2009

Today, we had our lesson plan presentation based on songs. My group which was the same group members presented our lesson based on the song “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry. Our lesson was “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. The reason we took this song was based on the theme uncertainty in making decision. We were exposing to students to the main idea of the song:
You can sing along with the song. (“,)

id="BLOG_video-UPLOADING" class="BLOG_video_class" contentid="UPLOADING" width="320" height="266">

After listening to the song, students will be given the poem.

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Basically, the song and the poem have similar theme that is uncertainty in making decisions. The use of songs in English literature teaching will be very fun and interesting as students will be exposed to the lyrics and listen to the songs which at the same time the songs are contemporary. Contemporary songs play an important role when using it to teach because it is a set induction to gain students’ interest, attention and open their background knowledge which can relate it to the songs they listen and link to the lesson that will be conducted.
In class, I discovered something very interesting that was song lyrics and video were available. It would be very interesting as students can listen and watch the video. Meanwhile, it also has a set back where the video may draw away students’ attention from reading and listening to the song words. Therefore, appropriate use of teaching aids have to put into careful consideration.

Parody group presentation

15th September 2009

Our class had parody group presentation at DK FPP 2 classroom. My group members were Rachel, Shamini, Mala, Manesha, Yin Chean, Fei Ying and me, Joyce. Our group presentation was a parody of the story Beauty and the Beast. We did it in the Hindustan version and it was very funny and interesting. The characters were Yin Chean as the handsome prince, Mala as the Beast, Shamini as the old lady who gave the beast a spell rose, Manesha as Belle, Fei Ying as the candle, Rachel as the narrator and I as Belle’s old father. The storyline was the same as Beauty and the Beast, but a parody.
In the presentation, I learned some Indian language such as “pia” means love. When the beast was dying, Manesha who was the beautiful Belle said to the beast “I Love you” in Indian language. Then, Mala (the beast) said “pia?” “pia?”…then she was alive again and turned into the prince charming who was Yin Chean. I laughed a lot as I saw her response of saying the word “pia?”..”pia?”. Her facial expression was so surprise and full of wonder. As for Yin Chean, I saw that she had a “handsome” appearance of a prince as she wore the Punjabi suit with a shawl around her neck. Besides that, I saw Fei Ying put in a great effort in doing props for the candle character. There was a mask for the flame and two little flame coverings on her hands which were very carefully made and suitable for flame prop. I would grade her as a very well done effort in her props.
As a reflection, I changed my point of view where previously I said I disliked parody because by reading and acting out was a total different. Even though parody may have an internal message of an issue, as I read, I could only imagine the story in my mind and felt irritated about the twist and illogical portrayal of the story where the villain survived or the protagonist was killed. However, when the parody was acted out, I could see that it was totally different. The characters were funny in the form of facial expressions, use of language, actions and tone.
In my opinion, parody is necessary to introduce to the class in a literature lesson because it is a type of literary work that carries some messages where students can be exposed to different views such as feminism. It would be even more interesting and meaningful lesson if we ask the students to act or role play the whole parody. Students will have a fun time of acting and laugh at the characters. From here, they can also have a clearer picture of what is parody and how is it being conveyed to the readers.


10th September 2009

Parody is a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule or something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery. Caricature is another word which is similar to parody which is use to make fun or ridicule a literary work.
In today’s lesson, we learned different kinds of parody in some famous classical stories, such as Cinderella, Goldilocks, Snow White, The Frog Prince,Little Red Riding Hood, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Three Little Pigs, Rumpelstiltskin, The Three Codependent Goats Gruff and Rapunzel. I enjoyed reading the parody stories because they were short and simple as they were in a summary.
I noticed in parody, the stories were all in a twist. For example, in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs story, the drafts were supposed to save Snow White from death. However, they sold Snow White’s body when she was fainted for the prince to have sex so that they could earn more money. Other than that, Snow White and the queen were supposed to be enemy but became friends instead and both agreed to throw the dwarfs out of the forest. It was absolutely absurd.
Although parody is considered as a type of literary component and may be fun in reading, I dislike reading it. It is because the story has turned upside down and is illogical. In parody, the protagonist has to face the bad outcome of the antagonist such as being exiled, killed or villain and protagonist became good friends. In my opinion, parody is just a type of literary work which is for entertainment and amusement. It is a literary work that is absurd, but somehow, it has an intended meaning which need readers to discover.
For example, the parody in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it may want to portray a message about feminism where women are always on the weaker side where they are seen as a sex object for men to earn money. In the story, there were Snow White and the queen. However, the dwarfs decided to sell Snow White’s body for the prince to have sex in order to earn more money. Besides that, in Little Red Riding Hood, the word “women” was replaced by “womyn”. It could be seen that women are being emphasized again. There was a woodsman in the story and was being labeled as “sexist” and “speciesist”. Again, men were related to sexist when the women were in the story. This was to show that women once again were portrayed as sex objects for men. Thus, from reading the parody, there is a message which actually wanted to voice out by the writer.
In conclusion, parody is a literary work that is to make fun, ridicule or to mock on something which is an ongoing issue indirectly. Although I dislike reading it, I feel that it is necessary to read sometimes because it has an internal message which carries out an issue by the writer.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Position Paper presentation

1st September 2009, Tuesday

The topic that I do for position paper is a play entitled “Thirty Days in September” by Mahesh Dattani. The reason I choose this play is I am interested and is easy for me to come up with my position that is Shanta’s silence about the sexual abuse brought harm to her life. This play is prominent about sexual abuse issue that has been occurred from one generation to the next that is the sexual abuse from Shanta, the mother to Mala, her own daughter by Vinay Bhaiya, Shanta’s eldest brother and Mala’s uncle. The same man had continuously sexual abusing his own sister and his niece. It is very terrible.
My position is focused on Shanta’s silence about the sexual abuse issue, the reason of her silence and the harm that entails from this silence. The main ideas to support my position are Shanta’s pride made her silence, Shanta’a silence made her failure as a wife and marriage and Shanta’s silence is an open door to Vinay Bhaiya, her eldest brother to gain more threat to her life.
Initially, my main ideas were not written in such a way but only focused on the outcome of Shanta’s silence such as bad mother and daughter relationship, failure and a wife and marriage and Vinay Bhaiya continuously dominating Shanta’s life. I was focusing on the outcome of Shanta’s silence but did not think about the other side that is the reason of Shanta’s silence. After Miss Dzeelfa’s comments on my position paper presentation, I did some edition and wrote about the reason of Shanta’s silence is due to pride, failure as a wife and marriage and due to her brother’s threat.
In my opinion, position paper is not an easy assignment because the position has to be refutable or arguable. I am not good to state an argumentative topic. Therefore, I am not really satisfied about my position paper. Shanta’s silence about the sexual abuse issue is obviously bad for herself and to her daughter. If to think of the refutable points, it can be her silence can maintain her pride and earn respect from her daughter, continue to enjoy her brother’s secure of providence and the paying for her apartment. These are the refutable points that I thought about if it is based on my position of Shanta’s silence about her sexual abuse issue brought harm to her life.
In the position paper class, I learned that the position that we made has to be arguable. Therefore, the position is not necessarily in line with the common thinking. For example, someone can come out with a position such as abortion is good for women to maintain their pride in the society even though the common thinking disagrees with this position. However, this is one way to throw out a refutable topic. I hope I can improve on my position writing and come out with a stronger refutable statement.

Letters and Diaries

13th August 2009, Thursday

Between letters and diaries, I prefer to read diaries because diaries are personal and it reflects about a person’s thought about himself or herself where as letters are communicative and is addressing to a recipient based on a particular purpose. I like to read on other’s thoughts and views on themselves or issues they encounter because it can be applicable to me as well. I am a person who writes diaries. I write diary to express my thoughts and feelings of different issues on different days whether it is intrapersonal or interpersonal. It is a record that I would like to keep tract so that I can see the progress of the issue, to learn from it or to capture it as a very memorable event that I had encountered.
Even though “The Andy Warhol Diaries” that we learned in class seemed interesting, I am not drawn to it because I am not interested in diaries that talk about famous actors and actresses and the critiques about them. Instead, I am interested in Kafka’s diaries. I am curious to know why a person is miserable in his life and the struggles they are going through. From Kafka’s diary, I learned that education is a threat for certain people. Kafka kept on complaining about education has made him to be a miserable person and had spoiled him. I feel that it is really terrible and sad after reading his diary because I thought education is very important.
However, from Kafka’s diary, I learned to be more alert in teaching my future students. I will use different approaches to teach different people and be aware of their feedback in the learning process so that education will not be a threat to my students.


11th August 2009, Tuesday

Autobiographies are one of the literature works that I like besides reading novels. Autobiographies are the story of a person’s life written by that person where as biographies are the story of a person’s life written by someone else. In class, I learned that “auto” which is the prefix for biography means “I”. In my opinion, autobiography will be more authentic compared to biography and is very valuable because it is first hand written by the particular person. As for biography, it may not be as reliable as autobiography because it is a writer’s narration of a person. It can be bias or not so well expressed.

In class, we learned about part of Nelson Mandela’s autobiography during apartheid regulations entitled “Robben Island: The Dark Years”. Nelson Mandela is the State President of South Africa on 10 May 1994 - June 1999. Even though State President is a person of authority and respect, Nelson Mandela’s autobiography reflected his turmoil and sufferings due to apartheid regulations such as being locked in isolated stone building old jail, given plain khaki uniforms and short trousers except an Indian who could get an insubstantial jersey, canvas jacket and long pants.

After reading Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, I am inspired by his courage and determination to pursue on in hardships. Nelson Mandela’s autobiography enables me to visualize the events of Apartheid regulations and how hard he has to suffer. Besides that, makes me reflect on a moral value that is learning to understand about the difficulties faced by others. They have been ill treated by others whether is in physically or mentally but still standing strong to face the hardships. I will ask myself, “What are the hardships I am facing today? Assignments and the bad habit of last minute. Can this be compared to Nelson Mandela? He is worse that you.” So, if compare my problems to his, my problem is nothing.

Nelson Rolihlahla MANDELA

Mandela's words, "The struggle is my life," are not to be taken lightly.

Nelson Mandela personifies struggle. He is still leading the fight against apartheid with extraordinary vigour and resilience after spending nearly three decades of his life behind bars. He has sacrificed his private life and his youth for his people, and remains South Africa's best known and loved hero.

(Taken from:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Marginalised literature (2)

6th August 2009, Thursday
Today is another class of marginalized literature. We learned about ethnic minority people such as the Native Americans and the African Americans. I learned a word “indigenous” which is a better word for “aborigine”. In class, we are being introduced to marginalized literary works which are the indigenous people in America such as “The Noble Red Man” by Mark Twain and “Iroquois: The Girl Who Was Not Satisfied With Simple Things”. These literary works are richly describing about the culture, setting, attire and words used by the indigenous people in America. For example, “the eye of the night” refers to the moon, “the whisper of the Great Spirit” refers to wind and their attire “wampum”.
Besides that, we learned about a famous African American poet, James Mercer Langston Hughes. Both his parents were mixed-race and he was of African American, European American and Native American descent. He is known as the Black Literary Renaissance and the New Negro Movement. In class, we read some of his famous literary works such as “Theme for English B”, “Dinner Guest: Me”, “Harlem” and “Cross”.
Langston Hughes is one African American writer whom I admire because he is proud of his own race, Africans even though African’s are not respected by the white people society. In “Dinner Guest: Me”, he wrote “I’m so ashamed of being white”. He has his dignity of being black and is very satisfied. He said, “I had been thinking about my father and his strange dislike of his own people. I didn’t understand it, because I was a Negro, and I liked Negroes very much.” From here, I learned good value from Langston Hughes that is being proud of your own race even though other people may not like your race.

Marginalized literature (1)

21st July 2009, Tuesday
Marginalized literature is literature which related to a group of people that is in a margin, not experiencing much freedom as other literatures or welcome by everybody. Marginalized literature basically is about people expressing their opinions, thoughts, voices so that the society can understand their thoughts and feelings of being in the marginalized group. Literature which relates to feminist writings and writings that belong to ethnic minority groups are some examples of marginalized literature.
In class, we learned “For My Husband” and “The Rose” by Erica Jong, and “Becoming a Woman” and “Offering” by Hilary Tham. These are poems and are considered marginalized because they are female writers where their works are also about feminism. “For My Husband” is about a wife writing her feelings and thoughts of love to her husband. As for “Becoming a Woman”, it is a process of a woman growing up and how she has to manage her monthly period. There are issues which are related to women. “Offerings” is about heartbreak due to rejection and “The Rose” is about skepticism about love. These two poems are related to relationship and how the women view relationship in a way that may be heartbreaking or lack of trust in a love relationship.

The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

21st July 2009, Tuesday
Today is another lesson about writing thesis statement. We read a story about “The Zoo Story” by Edward Albee. This is a play of a dialogue between Peter and Jerry where Jerry is the initiator of the conversation who managed to dominate Peter’s bench. I took about an hour to finish reading the play because it is very long. However, I enjoyed reading the play.
From the play, I view Jerry’s character is very irritating, disturbing and disgusting because he disturbs Peter who is sitting on a bench peacefully reading his book. He keeps on throwing weird and irritating questions such as asking Peter where he lives, his family members and the zoo which caused Peter to be confused and annoyed. Even though from another point of view, some may think that Jerry is very wise because he managed to dominate Peter’s bench and die on it that is his ultimate goal. Meanwhile, in my point of view, I feel sympathy for Peter because he was kind to entertain Jerry’s conversation but in the end, Jerry succeeded to use Peter as a stepping stone to achieve his dreams to die on the bench.
Therefore, the thesis statement for this play is Jerry’s death signifies the birth of his pride and dignity. The three supporting details for this thesis statement will be Jerry stumbles back on the bench that Peter had vacated. Another supporting detail is Jerry is dying, but now his expression seems to change. His features relax, and while his voice varies, sometimes wrenched with pain, for the most part he seems removed from his dying. He smiles. The last supporting detail is Peter lost his bench but Jerry defended his honor.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sara and the Wedding

16th July 2009, Thursday

The thesis statement that I thought about for this short story is Sara’s positive thinking changes her family’s thought of the hopelessness of her in getting married. The title “Sara and the Wedding” has a connection to herself where it seems she is also getting married on the same day as her younger sister due to being attracted to Ramli and raped by him.

Although Sara was not in a young age, twenty-nine years old, fat where cellulite clung to her thighs, her waist, her belly and her buttocks, she still had a hope that she may one day get married like her sister. In the story, there is one part written “She knew that the silver of hope was too valuable to be discarded and she willed, almost desperately, herself to believe in it, utterly and implicitly. She assured herself that there was something out there waiting for her-something, maybe even somebody fine, noble and exciting.” (Pg 93)

As Sara was standing alone enjoying the night scene, Ramli appeared and was attracted to her. He was nasty enough, moving from touching Sara’s hands to the degree of raping her. Actually, Sara did not mind but allowed Ramli to rape her to prove that she was attractive despite of being condemned by her family and elder cousin that she had no hope of getting married. Her high self esteem made her achieve her dream to prove to her family her true desirability and power of somehow still could attract men.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Who is Ovid?

14th July 2009, Tuesday

Due to curiosity, I did some research on the internet during the holidays to find out the background of Ovid.

Ovid’s actual name was Publius Ovidius Naso. He was a Roman poet and was born into an equestrian family in Sulmo (now Sulmona), near Rome in 2oth March 43 B.C. and died on 17 A.D. He was Educated for the bar and became highly proficient in the art of rhetoric. However, he was skillful in the area of poetical and he devoted most of his time and energy to writing verse. After inheriting his father's property, Ovid went to Athens to complete his education. He later travelled in Asia and Sicily with his friend the poet Aemilus Macer.

By the age of 30, Ovid had been married three times and divorced twice. He probably also had a number of mistresses. The details of his affairs are recounted in the Amores, a series of poems telling of the stages of an affair with a woman named Corinna. His private life was that of a care-free, well-to-do, and somewhat licentious man of letters.

At Rome, where he resided until his 50th year, he was assiduously courted by the distinguished and fashionable society of the city, including Emperor Augustus. In ad 8, however, Ovid was banished to Tomis (now Constanţa, Romania). According to Ovid, one reason for his banishment was the publication of Ars amatoria, a poem on the art of making love which would have flown in the face of Augustus's attempted moral reforms. Since the poem had been in circulation for almost ten years it is probable that this was merely a pretext. A second reason, never disclosed by Ovid, may have been his knowledge of a scandal involving the emperor's daughter Julia. Ovid did not lose his citizenship and never gave up hope of repatriation, as revealed in the many poems written to his friends during his exile at Tomis, but his entreaties and those of his friends were futile. He died at Tomis, an honoured citizen of the town.

Some of the famous writers were influenced by Ovid: Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Milton and William Shakespeare.

(Text adapted from Encyclopedia article)

A picture of Ovid.

Ovid’s extant authentic works

  • Amores ("The Loves"), five books, published in 16 BC, and revised to three books ca. AD 1.
  • Heroides ("The Heroines"), also known as Epistulae Heroidum ("Letters of Heroines"), 21 letters. Letters 1–5 published 5 BC; letters 16–21 were composed ca. AD 4–8.
  • Medicamina Faciei Femineae ("Women's Facial Cosmetics"), The Art of Beauty, 100 lines survive; 5 BC.
  • Ars Amatoria ("The Art of Love"), three books; first two books published 1 BC, the third book was published later.
  • Remedia Amoris ("The Cure for Love"), 1 book, published AD 1.
  • Fasti ("The Festivals"), 6 books extant, about the first semester of the year, about the Roman calendar. Finished by AD 8, possibly published posthumously.
  • Metamorphoses, ("Transformations"), 15 books published ca. AD 8.
  • Ibis a poem written ca. AD 9.
  • Tristia ("Sorrows"), five books published AD 10.
  • Epistulae ex Ponto ("Letters from the Black Sea"), four books published AD 10.

Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid

14th July 2009, Tuesday

In my point of view, the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is very similar to Romeo and Juliet. The story is about a love relationship between Pyramus and Thisbe. Due to the strong affections between the lovers, they died together by Pyramus killing himself first and next Thisbe killed herself. The story of Romeo and Juliet in the last scene reflects this sad ending as well between the two lovers.

A brief content of Pyramus and Thisbe is introduced. Pyramus and Thisbe were neighbours and they came to know one another. As their friendship begun, their love grew deeper. However, their parents forbade them from marriage. Meanwhile, nothing could stop the blazing love between the two lovers. One day, as Pyramus slipped out of his house and wanted to meet up with Thisbe at a shade of a tree, he found Thisbe’s veil under a tree was tore into shreds and stained with blood. He thought Thisbe was dead and was so upset until he killed himself with a sword which hung at his waist. In reality, Thisbe was still alive. When Thisbe knew that Pyramus was dead, she was very upset and used the same sword as Pyramus used to kill herself. Both of them lied dead under the tree. I see this as a sad story because the ending is death of two lovers. Meanwhile, it is also true love and the impact of love is so great until the lovers were willing to die together.

In class, Miss Dzeelfa assigned us to produce a dialogue in the form of a play about the last scene of the story where Pyramus killed himself for the love of Thisbe’s and Thisbe killing herself for the love of Pyramus. This activity was fun and interesting because it made us think creatively and working together as a group. Each group presented their dialogue creatively. For example, a group named themselves as China 5 used the Chinese slang and intonation to speak English. There was also some addition of Hokkien with English translation. It really made the class laugh.

I think play is a very useful activity to be used in a class. Besides being fun and interesting, students are able to think creatively, cooperate with one another in a group and train up their confident to act in front of the class.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Writing thesis statement

Today’s lesson was different from the lesson on Tuesday. We learned to write Thesis Statement. Although we learned this in the second semester during Academic Writing class, i feel that it is necessary for us to do a fresh recall and revision of what we have learned. It is also a foundation to the writing of Position paper.

Thesis statement is a topic sentence in a paragraph which further focuses the narrowed subject of a topic. It is a sentence which clearly stating the writer’s controlling idea which will later link to the main point, opinion or angle that the rest of the essay will support and discuss. A thesis statement is not too vague and too general. For example:

Vague thesis statement: My recent trip to Florida was really bad.

Revised thesis statement: My recent trip to Florida was disappointing because the weather upset my sightseeing plans.

Reflection on the first class of EDU 3234

Today, my TESL coursemates and I were introduced to the course of EDU 3234 Readings and Project work For Teaching Literature in ESL Context. In the beginning, I was afraid that this course may have loads of assignments which may be similar to thesis style; therefore, I was all up to be very serious about it.

However, after Miss Dzeelfa distributed the course outline, I discovered that the course was almost similar to Dr. Edwin’s previous courses which used to have assignment 1 30%, journal 20%, research paper 40% and oral presentations 10%. The differences that I found were Position paper and Research Paper. However, I was grateful that my course had done many essay writing during Dr.Edwin’s class. Therefore, I believed it would be fine for me in this course.

In the first lesson, we were introduced to Modern Literary Function which consists of novel and short story. Then, in short story, there are fable and tale. We were introduced to Aesop fables Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson. When Miss Dzeelfa talked about the fables and short stories by the famous writers such as The Greedy Dog, The Tortoise and The Hare, The Little Mermaid, it made me recalled about my childhood days and I really missed and liked those days and those stories very much.

Actually, I very agree that a literature teacher needs to have the knowledge of traditional literatures which are fables because it can help students to instill them with moral values, appreciate classical literature, develop personality, creativity, emotional growth, cultural growth and promote reading habits.

Welcome to my first blog… (“,)

Hello Miss Dzeelfa, welcome to my first blog which is also a journal for EDU 3234 Readings and Project work For Teaching Literature in ESL Context. My name is Yip Hoe-Yi, matric number 138992, TESL 7 student.

First of all, I would like to thank you for being our class instructor for this course and also my supervisor for position paper and research paper. You have a cheerful smile, friendly and very approachable which really lowered my anxiety levels of lecturers. Thank you Miss Dzeelfa.